Welcome to Our New Home!

We’re excited to unveil the new web home of the Chippewa County Land Conservancy. Our new site is the product of a great deal of research and design by our designer, Dez Lezotte, and Outreach committee members, primarily Alison Sazama. We’re so excited to have a professionally designed site, and one that gives viewers an introduction to what Chippewa Conservancy does, where we work, and the properties we currently own and protect.

Please take a look around, check out the Explore page to learn about our preserves that welcome visitors who wish to explore nature, study wildlife, get some time outdoors, or re-center themselves by simply taking a walk in the woods. Or you could learn about how we can help you protect your special place. We hope you will become inspired to join us in preserving some of Chippewa County’s great natural places.

One note about the site: because our site uses a modern design, it is easily viewed regardless of your preferred window: computer, phone, or tablet. But it also makes use of continuous pages, so keep scrolling! We don’t have advertising, so please turn off your content blockers for the website; you’ll find otherwise hidden gems if you do.

Along with the new website, we’ve changed our address as well! We figured it was about time we identified ourself as the non-profit organization that we have always been by adding, with pride, “.org” at the end of our address. If you have a problem finding us, just be sure to type in our address with “.org” and you’ll get here.

Changing our web address also means changing our email address, something most of us rarely do; our new one is cclc@chippewaconservancy.org. You can use it to drop us a note and let us know what you think of the new site! If we’re already in your address book, please update it.

Finally, we do welcome your contributions of photos from our preserves, reports of interesting observations, and comments on how you enjoy the preserves. Are you interested in volunteering at a preserve or in other ways? If so, we’d love to connect you with our preserves or with our work. (Just use that email address in the previous paragraph).

Richard Smith


Second Annual Birdathon Challenges Conservancy’s Team to Surpass Last Year’s Goal


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